Why a TTS Trust is a must for “ordinary people”

Why a TTS Trust is a must for “ordinary people”

Why a TTS Trust is a must for “ordinary people”

A “TTS Trust” is a trust with specialised wording AND specialised administration.

Ordinary people are the ideal victims of the financial industry because they think ordinary people are gullible (“goedgelowig”).

We may be more gullible than most rich people. I think it’s because most of us expect that most other people, especially financial advisors, are honest and trustworthy. That is where we make a mistake. Most of them are not.

How will we know who to trust?

It’s easy!

Before you sign anything, ask an independent specialist to advise you on the advice you received. By “independent”, I mean someone not part of the financial industry. It should be somebody with the knowledge and ability to spot bullsh*t.

Where will we find such an “independent specialist”?

All the Independent Trustees of TTS Trust are qualified lawyers with extensive experience in investing and wealth creation. They can spot bad advice immediately.

All Wealth Masters have TTS Trusts with Independent Trustees, as the Trust Law requires. The Trust Law demands that the Independent Trustee of a trust should sign off on all the decisions you and your spouse make on behalf of the trust.

Trust Law demands that Independent Trustees (IT) be Trust Lawyers AND 100% independent. It means it is illegal if the IT of a trust is a family member or a person providing services other than IT services to the trust or the other trustees.

Therefore, it’s not within the Trust Law that a person’s financial advisor is also the IT person on their trust!

A TTS Trust, as set up and managed by Treasury Trust Services (TTS), is the only affordable legal trust that can protect your wealth.

If you want to know more, book your seat now on the next Masterclass on the link below:

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Regards, Coert Coetzee


The Wealth Mastery System of the WEALTH MASTERS CLUB is administered by the DESTINATA GROUP OF COMPANIES, which are FSCA-authorised Financial Service Providers (FSP Numbers 48729 and 50349).