Net Asset Value vs Tax-Free Cashflow
Net Asset Value vs Tax-Free Cashflow
Most of you know the story that changed my life – the one about the Secrets of the Duke of Westminster. I’ve told it hundreds of times in hundreds of seminars, so I won’t tell it now. However – I will be telling it again very soon in future in-person seminars. If you want to hear it, be sure to attend the next “Make Money with Property” seminar in your area.
One of the valuable lessons we learned from the Duke is that tax-free cashflow ranks way above asset value when it comes to wealth mastering. For example, I, just like the Duke, own no properties, but, just like the Duke, I control thousands of properties. Since discovering his secret in 1996, I have also earned millions in tax-free cash from these assets, which are not mine!
Last week in Dubai, where Vanessa and I attended a huge Investment Conference, Hugh Lloyd, a South African, asked me how the drop in property values in South Africa will affect my business. I said to him if it’s true that properties in SA are losing value – which is not even the case with my type of property – I will still become wealthier every day. He asked me how that was possible, and I told him about the big difference between Net Asset Value and Tax-free Cashflow.
- Net Asset Value makes you WEALTHY on your Balance Sheet, but it “buys no whiskey”.
- Tax-free Cashflow makes you RICH in your Bank Account, and it does “buy the whiskey”.
If you understand how these two concepts work in the Wealth Mastery System, you’ll never be worse off financially when property values go down. Why? Because we do not simply invest in property; we invest in the basic needs of human beings!
Hugh wanted to know more, but it would take a whole day to explain the details of this concept.
So, if you really want to know how to make never-ending generational money like me and the Duke, you should attend my next full day seminar ASAP!
Hugh immediately booked his ticket for my next seminar. If you want to join him and the thousands of qualified Wealth Masters worldwide who are already applying the method successfully, book your seat now!