SOONER is better than LATER!

SOONER is better than LATER!

The other day in Pretoria, I met Uncle Tom, a man who made me weep inside.

I saw him begging at a traffic light in Moreleta Park. He stood there in the cold holding a paper cup. The expression on his old, wrinkled face made me look twice. Or rather, there was a lack of expression on his face because, except for his eyes looking at nothing, far into the distance, there was no other sign of life on his face. It was the most “empty” look I’ve ever seen.

After dropping the few coins I had on me in his cup and driving over the crossing, I parked my car, walked back to the traffic light, and called him over. I asked him if I could buy him a cup of coffee and ask him a few questions. He immediately became alive and said, “Anytime.”

We introduced ourselves and walked to a nearby street-side coffee cart. Over a warm cup of coffee, I heard Uncle Tom’s chilling story.

Long story short, he told me he worked for Iscor for many years. After Iscor closed down years ago, he started a handyman business with which he did very well. I asked him why he, if he did so well, ended up begging.

He said he had no choice. He has no other income or support except for his small SASSA pension. His wife passed away 20 years ago, followed by his only child, a son, who died in a car accident shortly after.

Tom said his financial problems started after his wife’s death. The “financial plan” they carefully drafted together with their financial advisor required that he die first, in which case his extensive life insurance policy would’ve paid out, and his widow would have been well away financially for the rest of her life.

But with them being married in community of property and her passing first, her deceased estate (“boedel”) destroyed all their “carefully planned plans”.

Due to all the so-called “death costs”, Tom lost the house, cars and furniture. He even lost his business and was sequestrated by the executor of his wife’s deceased estate.

Guess who was the executor?

The very same authorised financial advisor who helped them years before to plan their downfall. The mighty insurance industry calls this scam “Estate Planning” – “Boedelbeplanning” in Afrikaans.

Maybe we should start a class action against the Insurance Companies on behalf of all their victims!

What do you think? Let me know at [email protected].

Anyway, with the Wealth Mastery System, Tom would have been 100% financially independent forever. Get on the system ASAP. Although it’s never too late, SOONER is better than LATER!

Book now for my next Master Class seminar on Events – Wealth Masters Club.

See you in Edenvale!


P.S. The Wealth Mastery System of the WEALTH MASTERS CLUB is administered by the DESTINATA GROUP OF COMPANIES, which are FSCA-authorised Financial Service Providers (FSP Numbers 48729 and 50349) They don’t sell Estate Planning! 😎