Gold Trust

Gold Trust


Are gold and other precious metals assets? It depends.

If you paid for it in full and it is safely stored in a vault you control, it is an asset.

However, if that vault is in your house, it is a dangerous liability because it might make you a target of a burglary. Instead, rather rent an offsite vault from a professional vaulting company.

Whether the metals are in a vault or not, if you own them in your personal name, or in a company that belongs to you, it’s a financial liability!

It’s a massive liability for your spouse and children because it will end up in your deceased estate when you pass away. That means the executor of your estate, usually your “Authorised Financial Advisor”, and SARS will take all of it, the vault included. They call it “DEATH COST”!

The fact that you might have bequeathed it to your family in your last will and testament means absolutely nothing. THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY TAKES EVERYTHING, AS THEY HAVE BEEN DOING FOR CENTURIES!

The Financial Advisors call this scam “ESTATE PLANNING” or “BOEDELBEPLANNING” in Afrikaans.

What is the solution?

Hold the ownership of your precious metals, like gold, silver, etcetera, in a TTS Gold Trust!

If your metals belong to a TTS Gold Trust, Insurance Companies, Executors and SARS cannot touch them!

Do you want to know more about this?

I’ve been invited to speak about this at the Serial Entrepreneur Seminar on 29 June in Edenvale, Gauteng.  At the event I will explain the TTS Gold Trust in more detail and I’ll also show you how to make money with geared townhouses in specialised Trusts.

Book your seat on this link:

See you in Edenvale!





P.S. The Wealth Mastery System of the WEALTH MASTERS CLUB is administered by the DESTINATA GROUP OF COMPANIES, which are FSCA-authorised Financial Service Providers (FSP Numbers 48729 and 50349)